Learning 2.1 : the journey continues

Since the NSW public libraries learning 2.0 course was launched in February 2008 we have seen:
  • new web tools gain popularity (eg. Twitter)
  • libraries across the state using the technologies to deliver services, communicate with clients, access professional development, communicate with colleagues
  • a number of library roles advertised requiring these skills
  • high quality professional development resources built on web 2.0 tools (eg. Reference Excellence)
Many NSW public library staff have asked for more information about new social media (web 2.0) tools and in response we have developed Learning 2.1 -  Public libraries and new technologies

Like the first course, participation is voluntary and self paced and we hope that public library staff across NSW will find the topics useful.

Together we will explore new technologies considering how public libraries can use these in their work.

There will be a section to 'explore' where you find out about the technology, and an optional 'adventure' where you can go on an adventure with the technology.

We will have a short survey at the beginning and the end of the course, just like last time.

The first topic will encourage you to restart your learning diary blog from the previous course - but this is optional. This is a self paced course with no assessments, incentives or certificates, but we invite you to comment on the topic and suggest that you record your learning on your blog.

Contact Ellen or Mylee (use nswpln@gmail.com) if you have any questions.


dewey dancer 2.2 said...

Hi there

I have set up a new blog as I couldn't for the life of me access my original one Dewey Dancer. So now I have one called Dewey dancer 2.2.

Is that O.k?

WillC58 said...

Lets get this show on the road, and see where we end up. We could get lost, or have a great adventure. (Yes you can call me POllyanna)