Event management

Using lots of web 2.0 tools takes careful scheduling, so you might like to try some of the event management tools which are available.

Doodle allows you to work out when to schedule a meeting.  You set up a doodle, then fill in the available times, you e-mail it to the people you want to meet with.  They fill in their times. A quick glance will then let you know what time the meeting can be held. 

Set up a meeting with doodle and send and invite to nswpln@gmail.com

Google calendar 
Google calendar can be accessed using your gmail account.  It works like other online calendars, where you fill in the details of meetings.  It can  be accessed in offline mode as well.

You might like to have a look at the getting started information.

Try it out.  Add nswpln@gmail.com as a friend to your calendar and see what we have planned for this week.

Event brite
Eventbrite is a helpful tool for when you want to take bookings for events. You can see an example of it here.
You might want to create a free account and try it out.

There are other tools which are similar like  Eventful and Anyvite

Blog points
Which of these tools did you like the best?

What did you like about them?


swallow said...

Try to add you as a friend on google calendar but have to wait for your approval. I think all the tools have similar features. I got an invitation from our reading group for Xmas lunch which was from google calendar. It's so simple to set up.

bloggersbeware said...

I think this tool would work fantastically well for people who have a lot of meetings to attend. You could even email it to your self to remind you of up coming events or meetings. Its a great idea.

Wendy said...

Not being one who has lots of meetings to attend or organise, I didn't find this that useful. But handy to know about for future reference maybe.

Wendy said...

Not being one who has lots of meetings to attend or organise, I didn't find this that useful. But handy to know about for future reference maybe.