More with Google docs.

We looked at Google docs in learning 2.0. From feedback received people really enjoyed the wide range of possibilities offered by this tool. Because there are so many options we are back to look at it again.

Please share any of your Google docs hints and tips in the comments at the end of this blog post.

If you have not used Google docs for a while you might like to watch this video about Google docs in plain English
and even if you are a regular Google docs user it will probably be of interest).

Need to find an earlier version of a document?
When you are logged in to your Google docs you can do this by going to File > See revision history. You can then edit from an earlier version or compare an earlier version.

Backup and synchronisation
Did you know you can back up your google doc - offline? See point 5 on this helpful list for information about how to do this

You can even synchronise your online and offline documents - see point 6 about how to do this.

Have a look at the Google docs help information. You can search for information
or you can ask a question in a forum. If you are using a forum it is a really good idea to have searched for the information first.

Try using the help information to create a form.

Looking for more ideas?
Have a look at this helpful list of 100 great Google doc tips. This Google docs guide may also help.

You can browse to find the tip which is of most interest to you.

You can also listen to this talk Advanced Google docs for journalists which has been presented by Columbia University.

Keeping up to date
You might like to add the Official Google Docs Blog to your rss feeds.

Blog points
What google doc tips did you find the most useful?
What google doc tips would you like to share?

Ellen and Mylee


In vita scientia said...

Didnt find blogtalk radio from Columbia University that helpful.Checked other archives from the same site eg. Twitter, Social Blogging - too much rambling on!!

15 Cool Tips using Google Docs
I liked tip 14, having Google Docs Library in the Mozilla Firefox side bar.

CatyJ said...

I use GoogleDocs heaps and have found it ultra useful for teleconferences, planning, etc. Looking at the "100 useful tips" I found the ones relating to presentations to be the most helpful/useful to me - esp. No's 64 -syncing Googldocs with Office docs, 66 - accessing Googledocs from my Mobile, and 74 - staging/revealing bullett points in a presentation.

I've bookmarked the tips in Delicious and am sure I'll return to them again.

Tip to share - the easiest way I've found to load an image such as a webpage screen shot into a Googledocs presentation is to first load the various screen shots into a Powerpoint presentation and then load that presentation into Googledocs. Works a treat and it's a lot quicker running between a web page and Powerpoint than back and forth between a web page and Googledocs, especially with its regular saving delay.

Superchicken77 said...

We can't access google docs which is a shame. I think it is a brilliant idea but wonder, with the monopoly of office and word, about the levels of usage. Everyone is so programmed to 'must use office' that other options are often ignored. For libraries that are spread over a wide distance it is a wonderful option.

Miss Pam said...

to quote Lee LeFevre: "Google Docs, Rocks!"

twinsplusone76 said...

Google docs is wonderful. I found the list of 100 tips really handy.

Wendy said...

I think since they are so siminlar to microsoft office these are easy to use and understand.